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Managing IPs in Digibee Platform
Managing IPs in Digibee Platform

Understanding how to manage Digibee IPs in VPN or internet communication

Grazielly Fernandes avatar
Written by Grazielly Fernandes
Updated over 10 months ago

When setting up a new VPN or configuring a new mapping on an existing VPN with Digibee, it's crucial to ensure that the connection is established smoothly. A common error message during this process is "Connection refused," indicating that the server has rejected the connection request. In this article, we'll focus on a specific action required after requesting a new mapping in Digibee: releasing Digibee's Private IP in the firewall of the service where the traffic originating from Digibee should arrive.

What is "Connection Refused"?

"Connection refused" is an error message that occurs when a client attempts to connect to a server, but the server rejects the connection request. This refusal can be caused by various reasons, including closed ports, firewall or security settings, resource limitations on the server, incorrect configurations, or unavailability of the requested service.

Action Required: Releasing Digibee's Private IP in Your Firewall

After requesting a new mapping in Digibee, it's essential for the network administrator to ensure that Digibee's Private IP is released for request in the firewall. If you don't know the IP, contact the Support Team to obtain this information.

Simplifying IP Management

The Digibee platform runs on the Google Cloud Platform, and each pipeline execution can use a range of dynamic IPs from Google. If it's necessary to fix the pipeline's outgoing IP, which is a common scenario when whitelisting public IPs for accessing resources via the internet, you can configure a NAT (Network Address Translation) for the Host:Port that your pipeline needs to access. This way, we can fix the outgoing IP. Contact support via chat to request this configuration as well as the public IP you'll need to declare in the whitelist.

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